You can also get the absolute filename of the binary with chromedriver_binary.chromedriver_filename. This will add the executable to your PATH so it will be found. Press the Back button in your web browser to return to the Chromium build index, and click on the latest build number. To redetect the required version and install the newest suitable chromedriver after the first installation simply reinstall the package using pip install -upgrade -force-reinstall chromedriver-binary-autoįrom GitHub pip install use chromedriver just import chromedriver_binary. From PyPI pip install chromedriver-binary-auto Please make sure to install Chrome or Chromium first and add the browser to the binary search path. Installation Latest and fixed versions From PyPI pip install chromedriver-binary What are we, Mac users If we look inside of the /usr/bin/google-chrome-stable script, we can see that it actually prepends a few directories of its own to. The installer supports Linux, MacOS and Windows operating systems.Īlternatively the package chromedriver-binary-auto can be used to automatically detect the latest chromedriver version required for the installed Chrome/Chromium browser. Downloads and installs the chromedriver binary version. Google presents Chrome for download as either an x8664 package or an M1 native optionwhich comes across as a little odd, since the M1 native version is actually a universal binary, which works.